Thursday, 17 December 2015

Boughkin Grand Meister A. Service - historic post

For the first time in history a Boughkin has posted to the internet!

I recieved this yesterday and immediately floowed up in his request for me to post this to a page online. The Grabnd Meister then gave me the rest today. So here it is in it's entirety:

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Absentee excuses

Whew! Sorry guys I've been so busy the last couple of months  I just haven’t sit still long enough to get a blog out. I did post one of my poems which was fun. I'll put up some more now and again but the real news is the new holiday book: The Christmas Wish Tree. It was released a few weeks ago! The audio book includes expanded production including sound effects and features voiceover work from my partner Pauline. It’s only online for a limited time so make sure to check it out soon!

While my publisher and I were getting The ChristmasWish Tree ready for publication we were also still in the middle of season two of Augmentia and preparing for season three. Just this morning Pauline came up with a great idea for another Christmas book so I’ll start working on that for next season. In the pipe is a seven book early teen series about a boy who find a warrior angel who has lost his memory and is trapped on Earth. The working title is Paladin and the planning is extensive! In addition to that, one of my first series The God String is still simmering in the wings! Of course The Shielding of Mortimer Townes is still online and enjoying an expanding readership. Please spread the word!

Hope you are all having an amazing Christmas! Talk to you in the new year!