Friday 27 October 2017

In print, finally!

So it's been awhile, I know. Things had to stew a bit, but now I have the happy task of saying that all of my titles are now available on ( and the rest of the world) as well as Kindle versions. I'm working on GoodReads too so keep an eye out there as well!

The God String series (The God String & The Second String)

The Shielding of Mortimer Townes

The Christmas Wish Tree



I'm working on the second Augmentia book so stay tuned!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

New book, fresh starts

Only 115 days til Christmas! I better get cracking on my new Christmas story: Mary Christmas and the Pilfered Pud. Last year's Christmas release - The Christmas Wish Tree is still hanging out on Big World Network's web site ( but there's no telling how long it will be there. My wonderful little indie publisher is closing it's doors. So it's back to the submission dregs to try and find a new publisher.
Keep your finger's crossed for me and if you have any contacts pleaase send em' my way!

Thursday 17 December 2015

Boughkin Grand Meister A. Service - historic post

For the first time in history a Boughkin has posted to the internet!

I recieved this yesterday and immediately floowed up in his request for me to post this to a page online. The Grabnd Meister then gave me the rest today. So here it is in it's entirety:

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Absentee excuses

Whew! Sorry guys I've been so busy the last couple of months  I just haven’t sit still long enough to get a blog out. I did post one of my poems which was fun. I'll put up some more now and again but the real news is the new holiday book: The Christmas Wish Tree. It was released a few weeks ago! The audio book includes expanded production including sound effects and features voiceover work from my partner Pauline. It’s only online for a limited time so make sure to check it out soon!

While my publisher and I were getting The ChristmasWish Tree ready for publication we were also still in the middle of season two of Augmentia and preparing for season three. Just this morning Pauline came up with a great idea for another Christmas book so I’ll start working on that for next season. In the pipe is a seven book early teen series about a boy who find a warrior angel who has lost his memory and is trapped on Earth. The working title is Paladin and the planning is extensive! In addition to that, one of my first series The God String is still simmering in the wings! Of course The Shielding of Mortimer Townes is still online and enjoying an expanding readership. Please spread the word!

Hope you are all having an amazing Christmas! Talk to you in the new year!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Western Voice

Mine is a western voice
Calling silently from the depths of the bath
Peering out from a surface that tears itself apart;
Minute tears driving upwards to join with cloud cousins
Who are always watching down, banding together to gather
The courage to tear apart and come down.

And I, in a huff of thought, submerge.

We sing as one, we western voices,
Though each to different moons.
It is to the paper now my whimsy serenades.
I have pinched this afternoon’s immersing
From garden’s seeding chore.
Instead planting perspective that now grows slow-mo visions.
I try to still that eye as I dry and fly
To the blank page. How much can I save
Of the precious prize that inspires and dies?

I, in a bathos brume, ablate.

No big words, sings the western voice
Booming in on board rattling spurs.
I just took a bath o’ and my woman works the brume.
Ablate of her good dinner is fuel for my tune.
And what’s all this of clouds and surfaces tearing and banding together?
Just say that it’s steam from the bath behaving like upside-down weather.

And I, in my western voice, agree.

Published 2014 The Open Mouse
©Montgomery Thompson All Rights Reserved

Saturday 3 October 2015

Hatching the plot

Tapitty tap tap… my fingers try to distract my mind. I’m waiting again. It seems I’m always waiting. In the military one of the first things you learn is “Hurry up and wait.” That’s a tough lesson at seventeen, but it seems that it doesn’t get any easier with age. It’s all about gestation. Mothers, gardeners and writers know what I’m taking about. The seed is planted, the rough draft is done, but now it has to sit awhile.

For writers it’s especially frustrating because this is also the point at which we are most excited about the story. We want everyone to read it so they can experience that clever plot twist seen through the eyes of that well developed character…but we can’t. There’s no ultrasound picture or neatly sown rows to impress the neighbours with. Writers have to keep a lid on it, not a word.

There are important reasons for the secrecy. You see the first thing anyone (who is truly a friend) will say to a writer who tells them of their newborn book is, “Ooh, I want to read it!” Which is where the writer’s ego breaks the glass and mashes the ‘bypass the brain and go straight to the mouth’ button causing them to say, “Sure! I’ll send the rough draft to your email.” Face meet palm.

Once it’s out of the bag it can never be put back in. It’s guaranteed that if you let it sit awhile, when you return to it, you will find a thousand things to change in your story. Not only that, but every one of those changes will improve it. If you let someone read it, you will assuredly wallow in regret. There are even websites that encourage writers to let other writers read their rough manuscripts. Yikes! Feedback hell. So, how long is this ‘writer’s gestation period’? Well, everyone is different but I’d venture to slap a minimum one month time stamp on it, but don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it seems.

There are a couple of proven methods to cheating the waiting blues. One is to start a new project. Another is to keep notes of any new ideas you have for the gestating manuscript. My preferred method is to take a month long holiday around the Mediterranean on a super yacht and forget all about it, but I haven’t managed to pull that one off yet, so I use both methods.

I keep notes on a separate Word doc then open it up when the gestation period is over. In the meantime I break open my ideas folder and dive into another story. Of course that inevitably turns into another rough draft that needs gestation. And so it goes. But after a couple of rough drafts are in the incubator the first one is ready to come out.

Voila! Now where’s that super yacht?